The Vampire: The Masquerade – Swansong Oedipus puzzle is a seemingly difficult riddle blocking Leysha’s path forward in Scene 7. You’re tasked with arranging a set of four swans in a certain order so the music box will play the right tune and unlock the way forwardVenir de Tragamonedas Gratis Online. As with most things in Swansong, the solution to the puzzle is hidden in (sort of) plain sight, but the clues are vague enough where it’s still easy to get stuck unless you approach it from the right angle. Here’s what you need to do.
Vampire Swansong Oedipus puzzle solution
The solution is in how you rotate the swans. They need to be facing the same direction Oedipus is pointing in the paintings they correspond with. From left to right and in terms of compass directions, they should be facing: